One of the major conditions causing kidney disease is the ubiquitous kidney stone. When released from the kidney, these stones can become stuck in any part of the urinary organs and elicit intensely sharp or colicky pain. These stones form as certain mineral salts coalesce to form clumps. Calcium oxalate makes up most of these stones, while calcium phosphate accounts for a smaller portion. They can also crystallize from uric acid in those who suffer with gout.

Lifestyle Modifications to Reduce Kidney Stone Recurrence

Foods high in oxalic acid that can cause calcium oxalate stones (kidney stone) include citrus fruits, grapes, berries, deep green leafy vegetables, turnips, beets, spinach, asparagus, parsley, cabbage, rhubarb, green peppers, chocolate, beer, and cola-based beverages. Foods containing large amounts of phosphorus can cause the formation of calcium phosphate stones. A large intake of salt, sugar, refined carbohydrates, and high animal protein diets further increase high quantities of calcium in the urine. Antacids can also lead to stone formation. Stones are rare in those who are vegans.

In the U.S., the greatest number of kidney stone episodes occurs in a region covering an area from North and South Carolina to northern Florida and extending across to Texas. A kidney stone attack may occur in individuals who start a new exercise routine, such as jogging, without drinking enough fluids to replace those lost through sweating. If the urinary system cannot excrete a kidney stone after its release from the kidney, doctors may need to remove it surgically or break it up using a sound-wave technique called lithotripsy.

Dietary Changes for Reducing Kidney Stone Risk

In order to prevent kidney stone formation and future attacks, there are important nutritional safeguards to abide by. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential to replace fluids lost through perspiration or excretion. Also, eat a low-fat diet containing fruits, vegetables, and starchy servings. Specific foods to consume include watermelon (a natural diuretic) and cranberry juice which helps to acidify urine. Maintain your intake of dietary calcium to prevent calcium from being drawn out of your bones. This process can result in osteoporosis. Oxalic acid inhibits calcium absorption. However, the foods high in this organic compound also contain essential vitamins and minerals important for a healthy diet. Thus, these foods should be eaten in moderation. Eating complex carbohydrates, such as rice and beans, will provide essential amino acids, without contributing to kidney stone formation.

Effective Non-Surgical Methods for Kidney Stone Pain Relief

Proper measures can help prevent the formation of kidney stones. Existing stones in the kidneys can also be broken up before they are expelled into the ureters. Supplement with 500 mg of magnesium and 200 mg of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) per day in order to deter stone formation. Consume Chanca Piedra liquid to break apart stones residing in the kidneys, so they can then pass harmlessly though the urinary tract. If you are having a stone attack, immediately immerse your body in hot water; either a tub or jacuzzi. The heat will relax the constricting ureters and eliminate the colicky pain, allowing the kidney stone to continue its passage out of the body.

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